Hi Garry,
I just wanted to say firstly that I have a deep passion for racing and have looked for many years on how to spend more time involved/ make a living through racing.
I have done many things such as own (currently 4) horses, completed a trackwork jockey/trainer course. I have tried to become a successful investor by reading virtually every book I could find - all of Don Scott's, Beyer's books, Hat's In the ring, books as you previously mentioned explaining body language of racehorses (quite enjoyable and humorous), Other Punting Magazines (don't think there is much substance - more advertising). I have been doing all this for past 15 years. I have had average success, more winning days than loss, but not enough confidence to increase my capital to make the transition into gains to make considerable changes to lifestyle.
I am impressed with your magazines, and your advice/tips - especially in your book 'Racing Pays More'. You give practical hints which push the punter in the right direction/to investigate further, especially if he is familiar with the racing game.
I enjoyed your seminar, most concepts I was familiar with, but I did like your information regarding roving parlays and information regarding speed and looking for selections which run 'on the pace'. These concepts have been re-emphasised in your magazine.
Since the seminar, I invested in GTX/System Selector and bought Money Factory, and obtained a copy of Racing Pays More and Market Forces.
I built a solid bank and over the last 4 months made a very nice return with a very nice 17% POT with an average of 80-100 bets a month.
In short, I thank you for articles such as, Small business Vs Professional punting. That certainly brought things into perspective and helped me to make the next step. I enjoy reading your diary each day. That certainly helps me to understand the mindset of a professional punter. I enjoy using Money Factory with my selections. This has been successful for me and I feel confident with using solid selections with a solid staking plan that will handle the outs which inevitably come from time to time.
I also wish to forward a further thank you to Prue, who is always friendly and happy to help with my questions and purchase.
Happy New Year!
Mark B
Hi Tegan.
A mate and I went halves each in your book MARKET FORCES. It went very well indeed for us today and thank you.
A thought though. It would probably do even better if you concentrated on races 5 onwards - that is races 5 - - 8 . Most favourites win the first 4 races and as a general rule favourite bettors should go home after race 4 . This area races 5 - 8 should improve your profit and strike rate considerably. A good book and love the “Hidden” system within it .i.e.1st race starters and favourites. What's the bet that most don't gel to that idea. Cheers and happy new year, Darcy.
Editor’s Note: Darcy was using the Market Forces strategy on the 3rd January 2007. We thank Darcy for his comments and hope the Market Forces Strategy continues to make him great profits
Thanks for sending the 'Special Offer' Ratings which have provided me with a full day's entertainment and fun.
By backing the top-rated selection (5 winners) with a $10 flat stake with IAS Superprice I would have won $44.30. However by backing the 7th top-rated selection (4 winners) I would have won $776.20!
$10 each way on the 11 Specials would have yielded a profit of $64.10 using IAS Superprice.
Best wishes, Brian.
Hello Garry,
I think it as well, because the strategies in the, magazines are for every country as well. The Horse Racing Australia magazine is the best magazine I have ever seen. I have subscribed to many newsletters from the UK and the USA and your magazine is by far the best. I am fascinated by the Australian Racing, but it is hard to follow here in Germany, because the main races are at 2:30– 5 am so it is too early for me.
Thanks, Tim L.
Editor’s Note: Tim had previously asked if the strategies in our books could be used overseas and we said yes. We suggested he concentrates on WA races which run two hours later.
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