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Winform September Seminar 2005

Well, the September Seminar is off to a great start! The week began with the Members arriving at Rafferty's Resort at about 10am for a meet and greet with Garry and Prue. Below is a picture of the group, starting from left, Mario, Ron, Edwin, John, Garry, Howard, Stan (centre left) and Ian (centre right).

Here is a brief rundown of what each day of the Seminar has consisted of so far:

MONDAY 12th September

The Seminar starts out with Garry giving a brief overview of what the attendees can look forward to over the rest of the week. Garry then moves on to his first topic of the Seminar, which is Form Analysis. In this section of the Seminar, Garry explains how to construct the Winform Ratings by hand through reading a good Form Guide.

The picture below shows Garry showing full work-outs for the Form Analysis exercise on the whiteboard.

The attendees are then given a copy of the form for a race and get the chance to have a go at constructing the Winform Ratings for that race themselves. This then gives them the opportunity to ask any questions and ensure that they are understanding how to do everything as they go. Garry always ensures that there is plenty of time throughout the day for everyone to ask questions.

The picture below shows three members hard at work constructing the Ratings with the form they were given.

When the Seminar is finished for the day, everyone heads to the bar for welcolme drinks and dinner.

TUESDAY 13th September

Tuesday begins with Garry continuing the Form Analysis Exercise from yesterday.

After lunch, we then move on to Applying the Form and go through more examples of reading the Form and constructing the Ratings.

After afternoon tea, we discuss software applications. In this section of the Seminar, Garry shows the attendees the GTX software (produced by TRB) and all of its functions. Garry also shows the attendees the System Developer and the attendees get a chance to put their ideas together and build a system. This is usually a very productive time as the attendees sometimes come up with profitable systems that consistently make profits over extended periods of time.

WEDNESDAY 14th September

Wednesday consisted of the Winform Software Packages and their uses. During this session of the Seminar, Garry shows the attendees the $100 Per Day Plan, Winform Plan, Winrate Plan, Dutch Betting and Parlay Magic. We give full examples of how each package works, including how to setup accounts, how to enter data and also the Report section of the software.

After lunch, Garry then takes the time to go into detail of the Powerbet and Money Factory Software. Garry shows examples of what strategies are successful with each of the pieces of software and also goes into detail of how the software works to calculste your bets.

At about 2:30pm everyone departed Rafferty's Resort to attend the Cameron Handicap at the Newcastle Races. This gave the attendees the opportunity to put the knowledge that they have gained so far at the Seminar into action.

THURSDAY 15th September

On Thursday morning, the Seminar started out with Garry explaining systems and staking plans. In this section, Garry discusses the different selection services that Winform has to offer and how he came up with the rules of the systems. Garry then goes into detail explaining the different Staking plans available to punters and what systems each plan are most suited to.

After lunch, Matt Elliot from Elk Publications started his presentation. During this presentation, Matt discussed in detail the Renegade approach, as outlined in Winning Without Form (written by Matt Elliott).

Attendees of the Seminar learnt the specifics of using the Renegade approach and were given a demo of the Renegade Program.

"G'day Garry, I would just like to thank you again for a well planned night. I had a great night and was well worth the trip up. Again thank you and I look forward to meeting you again one day.

Heath Pope- N.S.W.

Garry then gave a detailed explanation of Brenton Burford's recently completed research (as discussed in the August Newsletter for Members). Garry ran Plan A and B through the Money Factory Software to show the attendees how successful this plan is. The plans have a strike rate of about 46% and an avergae dividend of about $2.

The afternoon was then filled with more discussions on building systems in the GTX software using the System Developer. During this session, Garry ran through most of his strategies from 2002 to 2005 and analysed the data over 3 month intervals, all attendees received a copy of the data produced.

On Thursday evening, the Seminar was turned over to Matt Elliott again. During this session, we had another 9 attendees to hear Matt's knowledge on the Renegade approach, sports betting and using Betting Exchanges.

During this session, Matt discusses in detail the benefits of using Betting Exchanges, the change in trends with Sports Betting, finding an edge and sticking to it and Staking Plans. Matt then has an indepth question and answer time, where attendees are able to ask Matt specific questions on Sports Betting and the Renegade Approach.

Comments on September Seminar

"To Garry, Thanks for last week it was very worthwhile and informative."
Mario Severino- N.S.W.

"Garry, thanks for a great night with matt elliot I learnt a lot and hopefully will make enough money this year to go the full course next year."
Damon Rodd- N.S.W.





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