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Professional Punter's Diary

We received the following letter for one of our Professional Punters detailing his experiences with our services.


I had a good chuckle when I saw my name in the July newsletter. I thought the comment on me being a typical punter ( wanting my profits but not wanting to work hard for it was in one sense true but another a bit harsh ). Its OK .. because I like you so much Ill let you off. I am probably one of the hardest working punters you have ever known.I started betting at the age of 12 .. and instead of doing my homework I used to keep thousands of records on a manual card filing system to develop some brilliant systems & have my finger on the pulse when doing form analysis.

I have never stoped keeping the most up to date records of every bet I have. If anything I am a victim of the old adage "Analyse till you are Paralysed".

I never believed in subscribing to ratings ever , I didn't need to , but racing has changed dramatically in the last 15 years and the Old days of recording a "black book run" and watching for it next Wednesday or Saturday the only 2 meetings for the week are gone.

Lining up form was becoming a nightmare .. this is where Winform came in ... and what a blessing it has been. I tried several services but have now been with you for 10 years & will continue to do so. Your service is so professional & your team so courteous.... oh by the way you do produce winners as well.

Anyway back to me not wanting to work too hard... that probably came from a recent conversation we had about Powerbet and my dropping the use of it after 4 months. Firstly I want to say that the concept is brilliant & definately works.

HOWEVER ... I did not make much money from it but that is not why I dropped it. I trailed it for 2 straight months every day , then bet 2 straight months every day. I tried single columbs , multiple columbs ,you name it, pre betting. I found many frustrations with the concept especially betting under $50 bets utilizing best fluctuation etc. Ultimately I bit the bullet & bet every race on a day betting race by race 5 minutes out. THIS ALWAYS SHOWED A PROFIT except for a couple of days.

It was without a doubt the best $770 dollars I ever spent PURCHASING Powerbet because it was the greatest learning curve in my punting career, & I've now been betting 39 years.

I gave up full time work 2 years ago to punt professionally to not only do what I'm passionate about but to put it to the ultimate test..putting food on the table.But I also gave up my full time job to create flexibility . It made me realize that betting for 6 straight hours in front of a computer was no better than my old job in front of a computer. ( how ironic .. I thought betting all day for a living would be the bees knees)

I still will bet every day but what the Powerbet months have done for me is made me appreciate that every punter is different. It is so important for the Winform members to realise that everyone has a different level of tolerance in racing, a level where your bets are too big or small for you to handle.

I discovered that I myself don't enjoy betting anymore than 6 bets a day...32 races drove me mad. I discovered that level stakes is still my cup of tea.. & believe you me I've tried every staking plan on earth.

As a punter we must not only win, but we must find what suits us be it bet size, staking plan, amount of bets, selection service , system etc.& STICK TO IT THROUGH THICK & THIN. If we go outside our personal comfort zones it is a certainty we will not stick to it.

This year I will continue to win with Winform because it is such a professional service & after 39 years I now have a greater understanding about me as a punter thanks to 4 months of frustration with Power bet. Those who are doing well with it , trust me stick to it.

The thing I enjoy about winform is there is such a variety of ways to use this service. This year I look forward to betting one way & one way only & winning.

Ps Garry .. I shouldnt have to work too hard.. thats why Im paying for the ratings to be downloaded...I dont have to burn the midnight oil as much anymore.

Good Punting.
Greg Horn

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