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By Amelia Burton

We recently received our copy of The Player magazine, which is sent to all TABLIMITED account holders. It contains the following information on cancellation of bets.

The NSW Totalizator Rules provide for the correction of telephone bets using cancellation. Cancellation of bets can only occur in certain circumstances. Cancellation may only be made when a customer notifies the operator of an error at the time the bet is placed.

 All requests for cancellation must satisfy the following:

  • The notification must occur during the telephone call in which the error bet is made. Cancellation of a bet will not be accepted on any subsequent call.
  • The notification must be timely. The correction may not be accepted if the bet in question is placed and followed by a number of other bets before the customer asks to cancel.

A bet transmitted and accepted by the Customer through NetTAB, PhoneTAB Express, PhoneTAB Keypad and BetStream does not involve an operator and will not be cancelled under any circumstances.

These cancellation guidelines apply regardless of the value or type of bet or the time the bet was placed in relation to the event start time.

Once upon a time, you used to be able to cancel bets up to a few minutes before race time. For example, the track conditions change drastically and you no longer wish to have that bet or you may realise you have made an error. No longer! The only time you may cancel a bet with TABLIMITED is if you correct the operator immediately after placing it, on that call, and before moving on to the next bet. On NetTAB, Phone Tab Express, PhoneTab keypad and Betstream YOU MAY NOT CANCEL AT ALL! One thing is for certain, betting with  TABlimited is not getting any easier. For the companies that operate these businesses, there is only one motive and that is PROFIT.

As far as we are aware, Unitab will still accept cancellation and adjustments provided it is within certain limits and certainly, there is no problem if you place your bet and realise there was an error and you call back straight away. At Unitab, Judy says they appreciate that circumstances can change and although normally you can’t change bets within 40 minutes of starting time, they will fix a bet even if you hang up and realising your mistake you call straight back

We spoke to Gail at Tabcorp, who was kind enough to tell us that you can cancel phone bets up to 15 minutes before race start time. This can sometimes be necessary, if for example, track conditions have changed drastically and your selection can’t handle the wet. READERS SHOULD TAKE NOTE OF THE APPROPRIATE RULES FOR YOUR ACCOUNT AND BET ACCORDINGLY.

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