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A number of our clients are exploring the opportunities presented by the high strike rate and high average dividends of Winform's Top Two rated horses. It is possible that the same thing we have discovered about Winform's Top Two selections may also apply to other ratings, either your own or those you may subscribe to elsewhere. We hope that the information supplied below will assist you.

Of course, we welcome new subscribers and you may enquire about Winform Ratings here or call (02) 49501747.

Invariably you would find that strike rates would diminish as field sizes increase and the figures below reflect that. The data is taken from the excellent GTSi database program. For information on GTSi click here.

Field Size No. of Races No. of Wins Winning Race Strike Rate
<5 442 145 65.6%
5 to 9 28780 6012 41.8%
10 to 14 46576 7302 31.4%
15 to 19 4576 545 23.8%
20 to 24 48 6 25%
Total 80422 14010 34.8%

Needless to say, the strike rate of the Top Rated Winform horse exceeds the Strike Rate of the second Rated horse. With high place strike rates, the possibility of betting two horse per race for the place is possibly viable given the high average place dividends of more than $2.00. You should note that the Winning Race Strike Rate is double that of the Win Strike Rate

Winform Rank Bets Wins Win Strike Rate Places Place Strike Rate
1 40211 7740 19.2% 18404 45.8%
2 40211 6270 15.6% 16192 40.3%
Total 80422 14010 34.8% 34596 86.0%

There is a marked difference in the strike rates of Winform in Country Provincial and Metropolitan races. Clearly, the weaker the average field, the easier it is to find winners.

Area Bets Wins Winning Race Strike Rate
Country 25888 4782 36.9%
Provincial 23428 3787 32.3%
Metropolitan 31106 5441 35.0%
Total 80422 14010 34.8%

It might seem silly to say so but the shorter the price of the horse, the more likely they are to win. The logic suggests that we will get a far greater strike rate from our top two horses where both horses are in the market. But do we get value?? Over the past three years, fully one quarter of all Winform selections were outsiders paying $20 or more. A significant number of these selections won and it would not surprise to learn that by placing your bets where the dividends were best, you could have made substantial profits.

Horse Price Strike Rate
Odds On 54.0%
$2.00 - $2.90 38.1%
$3.00 - $3.90 26.8%
$4.00 - $4.90 21.0%
$5.00 - $5.90 16.9%
$6.00 - $6.90 13.9%
$7.00 - $7.90 12.7%
$8.00 - $8.90 9.5%
$9.00 - $9.90 8.9%
$10.00 - $12.00 7.3%
$13.00 - $14.00 6.3%
$15.00 - $20.00 4.2%
$25.00 - $50.00 1.9%
$60 - $250.00 0%

In the next table you will see how the field size affects TAB dividends, and we assume bookmakers dividends. We have found that it is easier to make money in larger fields than in smaller fields, simply because of the increase in likely dividends

Field Size Race Strike Rate Average TAB Dividend
2 - 6 51.7% $3.32
7 - 10 38.0% $4.72
11 - 16 29.8% $6.26
17 and up 20.0% $8.24

Some Winform subscribers only bet our top two rated selections and even then, they refuse to bet under $3.50. Using a reasonable staking plan and investing just a small percentage of the bank, they bet the top two selections for the day until they have made a profit.

One Member reports that he had turned a $1,000 starting bank into over $14,000 in just eight weeks. Is it any wonder that we believe that he is on the right track .

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